API Object
When a plugin gets loaded in the Coviu platform the Coviu codebase sends some methods to the plugin via an object called api
This api object helps you to use methods from Coviu for easier development of the plugin.
Below is the list of the attributes the api objects holds.
Returns an object with the area the plugin is loaded along with the version.
type: either call or waiting area,
version: Version of the module
Returns all the rooms belonging to the current team.
api.resources exposes a number of methods that assist with management of resources
among exposed methods are ones for registering ,rendering, adding, listing resource as well as others
exposed methods :
- add: ƒ add(type, opts)
- get: ƒ ()
- getCache: ƒ ()
- isActive: ƒ ()
- isContentAvailable: ƒ ()
- list: ƒ list()
- newCache: ƒ ()
- observe: ƒ ()
- received: ƒ received(id)
- registerDocument: ƒ register(doc)
- registerHandler: ƒ register(handler)
- registerRenderer: ƒ register(renderer)
- setEnabled: ƒ setEnabled(ref, enabled)
- streamable: ƒ streamable(opts)
- transaction: ƒ ()
- transmit: ƒ ()
- waitForCache: ƒ waitForCache(id)
Registers a new resource handler to handle processing of resources with a given type. This will allow resources to response to setup/enable/disable/destroy actions
input parameters |
register handler methods accepts a handler class which defines how to handle different stages of life cycle for a resource of specific resource type within a call a handler class that is passed to register handler method typically will define below actions/functions but can also have others according to resource type and functionality add : The add function is called when a user attempts to create a new resource of specified resource typesetup : The setup function is called when a resource is initialisedenable : The enable function is called when an item is triggered as the active resource in the resource view. This allows you to reactivate any necessary components that are required for the resource to do its workdisable : The disable function is called when an item is removed and is no longer an active resource in the resource view, allowing appropriate deallocation of resources that aren't needed while the resource is not in the forefront.- remove : The remove function is called when a resource is deleted. |
Sample code
/* at the root of the plugin, define the plugin function which is called when plugin is activated by Coviu platform */
function plugin(api) {
/* register the different types of handlers required for the plugin
return Promise.all([
/*call "api.resources.registerHandler" and pass the
handler class which takes api object as parameter */
// register other handlers
]).then(() => {
return {
/* specify the name property to assign for this plugin */
name: 'Plugin Name'
/** sample resource handler class {"handler.js"} **/
module.exports = function(api) {
const { h } = api.render;
let _handler = {};
// set the resource type for handler
_handler.id = RESOURCE_TYPE;
/* create all methods reuired to handle the resource : add / setup / enable / disbale / remove */
/** The `add` function **/
// passing resources & options object to use for creation of new item of this resource type
_handler.add = (resources, opts) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const ownerId = api.local.id();
const { store } = resources;
// Add the steps required for adding a new resource
let item = resources.methods.newResourceItem({
category: _handler.id,
owner: ownerId,
metadata: { title: displayText(opts.title)},
recipients: recipients,
options: { },
selected: !store.active(),
type: _handler.id
return resolve(item);
/** The `setup` function **/
_handler.setup = (item) => {
// steps to execute/apply when resource is initialized
/** The `enable` function **/
_handler.enable = (item) => {
// steps to execute/apply when resource is the active resource
/** The `disable` function **/
_handler.disable = (item) => {
// steps to execute/apply when resource is the removed from resource view & no longer active
/** The `remove` function **/
_handler.remove = (core, resources, item) => {
// steps to execute/apply when resource deleted
return _handler;
Registers a new resource renderer. A resource renderer is used to render resources of a given type and takes a render class as an input parameter.
input parameters |
registerRenderer method accepts a renderer class as an input parameter which defines how the resource gets rendered when it is the active resource a renderer class that is passed to register handler method typically will define below actions/functions but can also have others according to resource type and functionality activate : The activate function is called when resource is addedview : The view to render - renderCustomInterface : a custom interface to render fo this resource |
Sample code
/* at the root of the plugin, define the plugin function which is called when plugin is activated by Coviu platform */
function plugin(api) {
/* register the different types of handlers required for the plugin
return Promise.all([
/*call "api.resources.registerRenderer" and pass the
handler class which takes api object as parameter */
// register other handlers
]).then(() => {
return {
/* specify the name property to assign for this plugin */
name: 'Plugin Name'
/** sample resource handler class {"renderer.js"} **/
module.exports = api => {
// get mercury and thunk from api.render
const { h, thunk } = api.render;
const render = app(api);
return {
id: constants.id,
label: 'Plugin name',
description: 'Plugin short description',
// define activate method which add the resource
activate: () => {
api.resources.add(constants.id, {title: 'Plugin name'});
/** Indicate whether the resource resolution should be automatically scaled **/
preventResolutionUpdate: (resource) => {
return false;
/** Indicates whether or not to render a custom interface **/
requiresCustomInterface: function(resource) {
return true;
/** define View funtion to Render a view into the standard scaled resource view (toolbar/zoom/etc) **/
view: (resource, cache, resourceMethods, documentSizeCb, position, availableSpace) => {
return h('div', 'This div is rendered in the standard scaled resource view');
/** If a custom interface is required, render a custom interface **/
renderCustomInterface: () => {
// define the options to use for render of custom interface
return thunk(`customInterface`, {
resource: resource,
cache: cache,
height: availableSpace.height,
width: availableSpace.width
}, () => render({ resource, state: cache, position, availableSpace, cache: updater }))
Registers a new resource document.
Adds a new resource to the current call session
Indicate a resource has been received
This method returns the list of items. Items are the synchronizable resource state sent over the mesh
Gets a resource thorough its id
Returns true if the resource with the given ID is active
Returns the item that has been already cached
Adds a new resource to the cache
Disables a resource by reference
This method is to check if the resources are available
This method will transmit the contents of a resource cache to other peers
Waits for the cache for a given item ID to be available
This method helps in transacting resources between peers.
Streamable provides a base handler implementation for streaming resources
Used to render a Mercury VirtualNode (equivalent of mercury.h), which is the basis of Coviu's rendering engine. Used to create a VirtualDom tree representation that will indicate how to render a display
Used to render a Mercury VirtualNode (equivalent of mercury.h), which is the basis of Coviu's rendering engine. Used to create a VirtualDom tree representation that will indicate how to render a display
Used to create a rendering thunk, which compare a set of input objects, and only call the provided render function if the state has changed since the last execution of the function. To be used in creating more efficiently rendering plugin views.
This method helps in rendering the document resource in the plugin
This method returns a media stream.
Renders a ToolTip component which is developed in Coviu Platform and is compatible with the design standards.
Renders a ToolbarButton component which is developed in Coviu Platform and is compatible with the design standards.
Renders a ToolbarDropdown component which is developed in Coviu Platform and is compatible with the design standards.
Renders a DrawerToggle component which is developed in Coviu Platform and is compatible with the design standards.
Renders a DrawerHelp component which is developed in Coviu Platform and is compatible with the design standards.
Renders a CopyableLink component which is developed in Coviu Platform and is compatible with the design standards.
Renders a Toggle component which is developed in Coviu Platform and is compatible with the design standards.
Renders a PhoneNumberInput component which is developed in Coviu Platform and is compatible with the design standards.
Renders a DialPad component which is developed in Coviu Platform and is compatible with the design standards.
Renders a DialpadNumberInput component which is developed in Coviu Platform and is compatible with the design standards.
Renders a pagination component which is developed in Coviu Platform and is compatible with the design standards.
This methods returns a list of current call participants each represented as an object holding all participant state info
Input parameters / return values |
no input parameters required for this method |
method returns a list of participant objects , each object represents a collection of info for a participant browser: object {name: string , version: string} displayName: string entered: timestamp ident: string isHost: boolean mute: {audio: boolean , video: boolean} phone: string state: string stream: string streamTimestamp: string usid: string example return value : behaviour: "normal" browser: {name: "chrome", version: "87.0.4280"} displayName: "karim" entered: 1613613918607 ident: "caller1" isHost: true mute: {audio: true , video: true} phone: null state: null stream: null streamTimestamp: null usid: "***00033g6l9m4a3be7" |
Sample code
// get a list of participants
let participants = api.state.participants();
// find call participant how is the resource owner
let localId = api.local.id();
let owner = api.state.participants()[localId];
Returns an object representing current call status, used to store call information
no input or output parameters required
api.state.clinicLogo( )
This method returns the URL for the clinic logo.
This method is used to retrieve the file data.
This method is used to download the file from a URL
This method is used to save the plugin configuration in Coviu's database.
Returns a Promise that will contain an enumerated list of the local devices input and output devices
Requests a camera source ID using the camera selector
Adds a stream to this peers local streams. If a call is currently ongoing, it will be automatically added to the call. Otherwise, the stream will be added automatically when a call starts.
Removes a stream from this peers local streams, which will also result in call connections being renegotiated to remove this stream from the current call
Attaches an event listener that will get called whenever a change is detected in any of the current local media streams.
Toggles media tracks on a media stream on/off
Synchronizes an audio element to an output device
Returns a unique UUID
Returns true if the local user is the owner of the room
This method clones the browser object
This method enables animations
This method disables animations
Registers a new tool handler, if a handler with the given ID does not already exists. Will return a de-registration handle function which can be used to deregister the resource handler
Registers a new tool group which is basically just an entry indicating where tools can register themselves into. If a tool group is already registered, this fails
Enables the tool with the given ID.
Disables the tool with the given ID.
Toggles the tool active state to the opposite state
Returns the tool data
Returns true if the tool is enabled.
This method is used to assign a tool to a group.
Registers a new annotator handler, if a handler with the given ID does not already exists. Will return a deregistration handle function which can be used to deregister the annotator
This method adds a new annotation to the annotations mesh
Gets an annotation with the matching ID, or null
Applies the updates to an annotation
Removes the annotation with the given id
Returns an array containing the current annotations on the current context of the active resource. If no annotations are found, an empty array is returned
Registers a new layer handler, if a handler with the given ID does not already exists. Will return a de-registration handle function which can be used to deregister the layer
Creates a new local layer. Local layers are only applied to the current peer
Creates a new shared layer. Shared layers are synchronized across the mesh and so are displayed on all peers in the connection
Returns the layer's state
api.layers.updateLayer(id, data)
Updates a layer's data. If shared, this updates the mesh row, otherwise updates the state directly
Removes a layer. If shared, this updates the mesh row, otherwise updates the state directly
Allow the creation of meshes that are used for cross clien-side communication
Registers a new drawer, if a drawer handler with the given ID does not already exists. Will return a de-registration handle function which can be used to deregister the layer
Opens the drawer.
Closes the drawer.
Returns the plugin's configuration from Coviu's database.
Saves the plugin's configuration into Coviu's database.
Registers a view for the plugin.
Returns true if the current participant has owner permissions.
Returns true if the current participant has room access.
This creates a new access request. Handlers for the various outcomes can be provided in the options.
Access request handler can be used by owners to approve/deny connection requests
Provides access to the room for the current participant.
Creates a new session if the current participant has owner access. If not session cannot be created.
Enables the current participant to join a call.
Returns all the participants in the current call.
Input parameters / return values |
no input parameters required for this method |
method returns an array of participant objects , each object represents a collection of info for each participant browser: object {name: string , version: string} displayName: string entered: timestamp id: string ident: string image: string - isHost: booleanexample return value : browser: {name: "chrome", version: "87.0.4280"} displayName: "The host" entered: 1613436074381 id: "*gy000053g6f388ym63l" ident: "caller1" image: "https://******/**/******.jpg" isHost: true |
Sample code
// call "api.call.participants" to get a list of the // current call participants and sort the list based on // time of joining the call
const participants = api.call
.filter(p => p.id !== api.local.id())
.sort((a, b) => {
const identA = extractIdent(a);
const identB = extractIdent(b);
return identA - identB;
// find the participant that entered the call first
// (note here Coviu host is excluded in previous step via
// filter function)
const earliestParticipant = participants[0];
// find the earliest host joined the call
const earliestHost = participants.filter(p =>
Returns the browser URL which will be mostly the link to join the call
Returns the information regarding the current room
Forwards the call to a particular call url. The supplied data is converted into base64 and embedded into the URL hash
Reloads the call
Returns the list of supported operations for this call
Hangup initiates the hangup procedure for the application if the participant has owner access
Leaves the call and cleans up after itself - shuts down the local media capture and terminates the connection to the signaller
Instructs a peer (if the current user is a host) to end their call.
Gets the applicable transfer targets, for the participant target given by participantId
Transfers a peer to another call location
Creates an Invite for the current call which will always be a URL to join the call.
Adds a participant to the current call.
Performs a transfer using a target ID from getTransferTargets
Gets the applicable call movement targets, for the participant target given by participantId
Moves a call to the given transfer target
This method takes in the participant ID and returns the media streams based on the participant ID.
A Json Object will be returned and that Object contains all the information regarding the media streams.
const participants = api.call.participants();
const firstParticipant = participants[0];
const mediaStream = api.call.getMediaForParticipant(firstParticipant.id);
End the call only if the participant is an owner
Attempts to determine whether a feature is support for this given room. This is used to allow the call interface and plugins to turn features off/on according to feature limits.
Returns all the supported features.
Returns the call type
Returns the UID of the focused stream or null if not focused
Set a focused stream
Returns maximum possible connections for a particular call
Returns the start time of the call
Returns the details of the caller only if the participant has owner access
Opens a modal
Closes the modal with the given ID
Creates a new alert
Removes the alert
Toggle the state of an audio item to playing
Stops the sound
Returns true if the user has signed out.
Displays the user name.
Returns the current role of the user.
Triggers a webhook. More details present in the Webhooks Documentation.
Validates the given phone number.
Returns whether the screen is full screening the current panel
Requests full screen access for the current panel.
Returns true if full screen is enabled for the current panel
Exit the full screen
Updated 6 months ago